Friday, February 18, 2011

What Is DMG File and How to Convert It To ISO format Using DMG2ISO

Recent I have downloaded some file with DMG extension. I try to use an Extraction Tool like Unzip to extract the file because I thaught it is one of the compression file. No, it is NOT!

In fact, it is a file type associated with 'Macintosh OS X' by Apple Inc. On the Macintosh, these files are treated like a real disk. They can be created with Disk Copy, burnt to CD or mounted as a normal volume. If you have a .DMG file on a Windows PC it's likely you have a Macintosh file that is can't be read from a Windows PC. How to convert the .DMG file so that it can be used in Windows PC?

Thanks to DMG2ISO, a small tool that run on Windows and convert .DMG file into ISO format. It is a FREE tool that can be download at:

Once downloaded the from the URL above, unzip it. You should see dmg2iso.exe. No installation needed. To use the tool , at your Windows (in my case I used Windows 7), select START, type in CMD at search field and press ENTER to go to Command Shell.

At the command shell, the syntax to convert .DMG file to .ISO file is:

dmg2iso [filename.dmg] [filename.iso]

For example, I have a file name: myfile.dmg that I want to convert it to mynewfile.iso, the command is: dmg2iso myfile.dmg mynewfile.iso [ENTER].

The file will be converted to ISO format.

DMG2ISO is a command-line tool that is not very user-friendly. PowerISO is a windows version that is more user-friendly and easy to use. However, it is NOT free. You can use it's trial version that has a few limitation, but still do a good conversion job.


Shoaib said...

Great post, thanks for sharing. Check out this online file converter.

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