Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To WampServer 2.0 on Your Windows Machine

If you would like to build your own website, you can do it on your own computer without putting it on internet. But, you will need a web server, database and supported scripting languague to run at your computer. WAMP is the soulution you need. WampServer is a free utility that allows you to run Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Microsoft Windows. This article demonstrates how to download, install, and configure WampServer on a Windows PC.


1. Go to to download the latest version of WampServer 2.

2. Run the WampServer.20i.exe file. The setup wizard is straightforward, you don't need to change any default settings unless you want to install your WampServer to a location other than the default C:\Wamp directory.

3. Once the installation completed, the WampServer icon will show up in the system tray when it is launced. You can use the pull-up menu from the WampServer icon in hte system tray to manage the services of WampServer. By default, WampServer is installed to http://localhost and port 80.


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